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VDB Goes To Shit! Flushing Down The Sticky Diarrhea

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Yes this guy Reesg is one of the overpriced panerai brigade for fuck sake $70 to PVD a buckle and then expects someone else to see the full value of it. I remeber another posting of his a few weeks back where he name dropped every big name in the rep world and it turns out he was selling basically what DSN sels for $400 more

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Fucking hilarious...............he bumped it twice and then offered a deal to VIPs and the Ebby came along..........roflmao


What a tit!


Ebby you are my hero!

Little did the fucker know it gave me a hard on...LOL!! What a poor pathetic loser and poor excuse for a man he is! He can shove his VDB up his Poopy hole! He hand a girly tantrum after that.. Just image him throwing shit at his screen. Saying.. YOU FUCK WAT SOB! What a complement he gave me!

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I'll give someone the benefit of the doubt until it is clear that they are in the wrong. Once I am convinced of that then the gloves come off.


Right now is time to deal with VDB. Shit does roll downhill and if I figure out anyone was either complicit in the shady shit or knowingly passed on a POS as a high priced item I will deal with it. However now is not the time to spread blame and finger point. Attention should be focused on VDB who produced and marketed these watches. The rest can wait.

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I just wish you hadn't written this Pat:


I risked my position here (which means a lot to me personally) by exposing the duplicitous dealings of a forum Founder.

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I just wish you hadn't written this Pat:


I risked my position here (which means a lot to me personally) by exposing the duplicitous dealings of a forum Founder.

why Zen, everyone knows he did... explain?

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I just wish you hadn't written this Pat:


I risked my position here (which means a lot to me personally) by exposing the duplicitous dealings of a forum Founder.



well I didn't see the comment that prompted this but if Pat is guilty of anything it's being too honest and trusting for his own good.

I think it's inconceivable of anyone that knows him to consider he would keep a lid on this if he knew anything about it.

You only have to look at his record on RG the man protects his hands with his head and calls it as it is regardless of who is involved

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I just wish you hadn't written this Pat:


I risked my position here (which means a lot to me personally) by exposing the duplicitous dealings of a forum Founder.



well I didn't see the comment that prompted this but if Pat is guilty of anything it's being too honest and trusting for his own good.

I think it's inconceivable of anyone that knows him to consider he would keep a lid on this if he knew anything about it.

You only have to look at his record on RG the man protects his hands with his head and calls it as it is regardless of who is involved


I know that. But, that comment makes you wonder.. Perhaps I read it wrong. I apologize..

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What I meant was that I like being an Admin. I live to chase down these fuckers that prey on us as a community. Hell I wish I had the scratch to hop a plane and shoot these bastards in the face. It's why I am an Admin there- not because of watch knowledge or technical know-how but a dedication to rooting out the fuckstains who would take advantage of others.


Corruption, scamming, fraud and other behavior like that pisses me the fuck off. It offends me on levels reserved for child rapists. We're here to learn, buy & sell in a secure environment (or as secure as we can make it). Having someone come into our house and steal from our family is unforgivable.

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What I meant was that I like being an Admin. I live to chase down these fuckers that prey on us as a community. Hell I wish I had the scratch to hop a plane and shoot these bastards in the face. It's why I am an Admin there- not because of watch knowledge or technical know-how but a dedication to rooting out the fuckstains who would take advantage of others.


Corruption, scamming, fraud and other behavior like that pisses me the fuck off. It offends me on levels reserved for child rapists. We're here to learn, buy & sell in a secure environment (or as secure as we can make it). Having someone come into our house and steal from our family is unforgivable.

I read it wrong and we know what you stand for, and it is for the good of this hobby. I just wish some of those involved would come out and be men about it.. Guess it won't happen. Carry on..

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What I meant was that I like being an Admin. I live to chase down these fuckers that prey on us as a community. Hell I wish I had the scratch to hop a plane and shoot these bastards in the face. It's why I am an Admin there- not because of watch knowledge or technical know-how but a dedication to rooting out the fuckstains who would take advantage of others.


Corruption, scamming, fraud and other behavior like that pisses me the fuck off. It offends me on levels reserved for child rapists. We're here to learn, buy & sell in a secure environment (or as secure as we can make it). Having someone come into our house and steal from our family is unforgivable.

I read it wrong and we know what you stand for, and it is for the good of this hobby. I just wish some of those involved would come out and be men about it.. Guess it won't happen. Carry on..


Nope most likely not going to happen but there is enough info out there now for everyone to make a decision in their own minds about the whole situation.


Sometimes I wish I was just a regular member so I can say what I think versus what I KNOW. Being on staff however, along with my reputation, means that if I do say something based on circumstantial evidence- my conclusion kind of has more of an impact.


I'd rather keep silent, not speculate and let the membership make their own decisions, which is happening, and deal with the main offender who I know is shady. Karma is a bitch too- I believe the universe will sort things out and come to a zero sum at the end of the day.

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Amen... Here is your your beer.. :lol:

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Redacted my RG posts :lol:

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Redacted my RG posts :lol:



Dammit we don't want the beer, we need pics of your wifeys girlfriend.

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Redacted my RG posts :lol:

Made some changes myself..

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Redacted my RG posts :P

Made some changes myself..

Sissys :lol:

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Redacted my RG posts :P

Made some changes myself..

Sissys :lol:

You just don;t know half of the sauciness that is happening behind closed doors.. Pics coming soon..

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Redacted my RG posts :P

Made some changes myself..

Sissys :lol:

You just don;t know half of the sauciness that is happening behind closed doors.. Pics coming soon..

:rofl:, just close the curtains. :P

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Reeseg withdrew his sale on W-C:


VDB Watch Withdrawn



:lol: :P :P :D:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Reeseg withdrew his sale on W-C:


VDB Watch Withdrawn



:P :P :D:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



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Couple of VDB Sale threads just to go thru memory lane:


Beatiful VDB "Reshaped to true 6154"


VDB 6154


Caution against Scamming:


"Scam Alert - Please read before buying, selling or trading.


Although this is a close, tight- knit, friendly community it is still the internet. So when buying, selling, or trading anything here, please use caution.


If a dispute arises between members over a deal, please PM a mod and we will do our best to resolve it. Most minor dispute between members will be resolved. However, there really is no way to completely stop someone who is out to scam, or steal, or take advantage. "


These VDB Bastards :lol:

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Reeseg withdrew his sale on W-C:


VDB Watch Withdrawn



:lol: :P :P :D:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Withdrawn, renamed, whatever... http://www.repgeek.com/showthread.php?t=125830



Ah.. He is going to be pissed..


Oh come on man, you didn't have to do that.

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Reeseg withdrew his sale on W-C:


VDB Watch Withdrawn



:lol: :P :P :D:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Withdrawn, renamed, whatever... http://www.repgeek.com/showthread.php?t=125830



Ah.. He is going to be pissed..



he should rename it a ZFW...



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