Hello everyone, just quick heads up and some info to you all, and if any of my rwi mates are reading this please post this over there as i am not yet re-registered.. we have NEW problem from factory on this watch, first was the bad "28" font, now this got corrected in some batches and is fully corrected now. One member said "they fix one mistake and create another" well now we have a bigger one. As most as you know the caseback is meant to be engraved with text (original gas escape valve) etc and then filled with black ink.. now my latest one that turned up has no ink at all, none.. just engraved, i mailed td and am still communicating but he sent me a picture of another from his stock and it also has no black ink fill. Now how many have been affected? i thought it could be just mine, and then he showed me another so it has to be more, they are in big demand so are rushing them out. now here is the thing, obviously i checked my qc and the "angle" that the photo was taken from looked ok, with the light reflecting the black ink looked there. Received watch and nothing should new caseback be available as part to us affected? now we have sorted 28 issue please ask for caseback good angle, maybe not a big issue to some i have spoken to off forum but i feel factory should not be rushing these out un painted.. cheers guys