Before I begin, this is for new members who may be searching for information about R-Factory. This thread is tagged and easily searchable, so if you send me a sock picture for the link, don't be upset when you are told you didn't do your due diligence in using the search bar, and get added to the R-Factory Hall of Fame. R-Factory is not real. When it is mentioned, members are referring to genuine Rolex models. There are no 1:1 replicas, and no amount of sock pictures will make that happen.     With that being said, below are the current Hall of Fame members who have received the coveted R-Factory link. I'm missing a few who deleted the sock picture after realizing the truth, but there's about 6 total members who have completed the Sock Trials. And a special shout out to @Bullmore who went above and beyond with his whitty insults and wishing cancer upon me. That was a first!