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(Not the average) Submariner question(s)

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Hi guys.
I was wondering, what are your thoughts on the Submariner Noob V8 (116610LV)?
A couple of TD’s still have them, probably old stock. But it looks damn good for the price.
Could also concider the V11.

And yes, I know VSF is the best, and I don’t disagree on them being the best today. But a while back, I have understood that Noob was at the top of the game, but i can’t find any topic on where it changed. Some say was after the V6, some after V7 and some say after the V8.
And in my research it looks like the V8 is better then the V10, at least with the magnification.


And the second question: if not VFS or Clean - then what factory?


And, my last question - if VSF are so perfect, why is VSF the only thing to get second hand?
It seems like people are selling them, and holding on to the other factories.
Surely the other factories sell and has sild also, or else they would have been put of business. So where are all the second hand clean, noob and zzf’s?

Thanks for your time peeps
KAYwjk.pngHi guys.

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Qn 1 - The Noob is pretty good for the price.

Qn 2 - Loads of factories make the watch, but they all have their flaws. Just get what you prefer. Simples.

Qn 3 - We're addicts. We all bought the Noob when that was the best. Then sold it when the ARF came  around. Then sold that when VSF came. Etc etc. VSF are getting sold a lot now because many prefer Clean, plus it's a numbers game - they've sold so many that there are more around to be resold.



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