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What would you do?

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Here is the story. I have always been a huge vintage Seiko fan. I have had many over the years. One of the more desireable pieces (at least for me) has always been the 6105 diver. Variations of the 6105 model were issued to GI's during the Vietnam war era. I have always been attracted to it's size, design, and durability. About 8 months ago, I commissioned a custom job from a well known vintage Seiko watchmaker. The agreement was that the watch would be completed in 6-8 weeks. After many emails back and forth, I finally came to the conclusion that the entire experience had left such a bad taste in my mouth that I don't even want the watch anymore. The builder, apparently hit a few rough patches along the way during the last 8 months. I have for the most part been very patient and understanding. It was last week that I threw out the idea of getting a full refund on the deposit that I had put down in order to commission the build. To give a little perspective on what we are dealing with, there is not another 6105 like this on the planet. The dial alone has long ago been discontinued. The watchmaker acknowledged that I was fully correct in feeling the way that I did but said that he was not in a financial position to refund my deposit but that he would promise to complete the watch and would waive the remaining amount that we agreed would be paid upon completion of the watch. Again, he said that he has worked on the watch all along but not enough to complete in the 6-8 weeks that he said he could complete the watch on. There have obviously been issues along the way, issues that I don't know all of the details too for reasons of privacy and one's right to privacy. Maybe I'm too much of a prude to say, listen dude, you promised it in this timeframe, you didn't deliver, now give me my f'ing money back but I'm not quite in that position as I do feel as watchmaker has had physical issues, and now financial ones, along the way. So my question is would you sell the watch when received (scheduled to receive it next week) or keep it?


Here is a picture of the watch in question.



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If it is what you wanted I say keep it. It looks nice. Sorry for the troubles.

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i agree with scope. you said there isnt another one like it on the planet. sure it took a hell of a lot longer than you planned, but then again you didnt pay full price either. keep it and enjoy it.

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I think you'll know when it is in your hands whether to keep or sell.

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Keep it

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Sell it.... to me!

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Just keep it. U like the design of the watch in the first place anyway.

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keep it. If he hasnt charged you the full amount then fair enough its been delayed but hey when you've got the watch thats it. Its a pain in the arse but you've come this far. Enjoy it when it comes and dont use the watchmaker again.

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