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Noob signing in for the first time here - finally took the plunge and joined the forum; been reading up and down here for a couple of weeks now.


My love for watches was sparked the summer of 2012, when on a vaction in the US. Took a causal stroll through a Macy's in Cincinnati when this looked at me through the glass display:


Seiko SSB043P1


It was the most appealing one in the display, so I decided on getting a watch. full price was 250 bucks, got it for about 115 because discounts.

I had from the summer of 2012 until the summer of 2013, but the bracelet kept breaking leading to me losing it. The first time it happened was at a party in the middle of december, was play fighting with a bud when I got pushed into the snow. Noticed later that the watch was gone, but despite being fairly intoxicated at the time I managed to go back and look for it, found it in the snow. The second time it happened was at a LAN party, I punched my fist into the table because I lost at an FPS game. Watch flew off and hit my buddy (the one who killed me) in the face (revenge is sweet). Third time I was running with my dog through the fields at my familys farm. Had the watch on when I left the house; gone when I got back inside. Didn't even bother to go look for it.


Went about without at watch for a while, but always missed carrying one. Finally decided I had to get a new one, and after a bit of searching I ordered another Seiko online:


Seiko SNAE63P1


Loved it, but something had happened: I wanted more watches.

I had always taken great notice of the James Bond watches on the big screen, in particular the more recent ones; the Omega Seamaster Professional 300m, worn by Pierce Brosnan. I decided I wanted to get one, but I always knew I had to get a replica, since the real deal was way too much for a student's wallet. Started my search through a search engine some of you may have heard of: Google.


Spent several weeks seaching for the perfect "Omega seamaster 300m replica", browsing through countless scam sites, almost on the brink of ordering one several times. Finally arrived on this forum and started reading. I realized pretty quickly I was glad I hadn't ordered from one of those shabby looking websites promising replicas that would fool and AD. I learned a lot pretty quickly, found my way to the trusted dealers list, and started searching for the replica I wanted. My choice fell on Andrew at TT, and on a friday almost two weeks ago I ordered my first rep. It arrived today on a thursday, 13 days later: The Omega SMP C 2012, Blue version




Sorry for iPhone pics, only camera conveniently available today.


Anyways, that's my story, sorry for the long read. Looking forward to spending time on the forum :)

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welcome to the nuthouse :)

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Welcome. Nice choice for your first buy. The first of many many more to come. Just stick with RWG and we'll ensure that you're bankrupt within the year :)

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Hello and welcome to RWG, sorry about the Seiko you lost but you have some great watches now.

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Welcome to the forum.



My best advice would be to read all you can.





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One of the best first posts I've read in a long time. Welcome, mate :D

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Welcome and nice introduction.


Loads of great info here.



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Welcome to RWG!!

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Yes! I echo what greg_r has said, this is one of the best first post I have read, WELCOME TO THE NUTHOUSE!! It certainly seems that you've spent your time here very wisely and have read, which is a very good thing. Pretty soon, once you've racked up a few more posts you'll see the m2m (member to member) sales...that's what'll cause your wallet the most damage :)


Sounds as though you need some anger management classes to avoid anymore straps breaking :giggle:

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welcome to the nuthouse :)

Welcome. Nice choice for your first buy. The first of many many more to come. Just stick with RWG and we'll ensure that you're bankrupt within the year :)

Hello and welcome to RWG, sorry about the Seiko you lost but you have some great watches now.

Welcome to the forum.



My best advice would be to read all you can.





One of the best first posts I've read in a long time. Welcome, mate :D

Welcome and nice introduction.


Loads of great info here.



Welcome to RWG!!

Yes! I echo what greg_r has said, this is one of the best first post I have read, WELCOME TO THE NUTHOUSE!! It certainly seems that you've spent your time here very wisely and have read, which is a very good thing. Pretty soon, once you've racked up a few more posts you'll see the m2m (member to member) sales...that's what'll cause your wallet the most damage :)


Sounds as though you need some anger management classes to avoid anymore straps breaking :giggle:


Thanks everyone. And yes, I have a feeling this won't exactly be my last rep, already looking to get something to use as a daily beater, plus I need a few pieces to give away for christmas...

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Great intro, great example, great choice of watch & great pics - it's a pleasure having you on board buddy!

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Welcome from The Netherlands, enjoy your time here. :)

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Cracking first post and very well put together, I have a feeling you will fit in just fine around these parts! Welcome buddy. :thumbsup2:

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welcome from one newbie to another

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Yes, I agree- well done mate. Seikos are very popular here as you'll see. They have their own Section under Genuine Watches.


That's a nice looking SMP, congrats on the first rep. I'm sure there will be more to come. If you want to keep some of your money, stay away from Panerais.


There's many models and they're very popular reps.

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hello and welcome to rwg

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Great intro, great example, great choice of watch & great pics - it's a pleasure having you on board buddy!

Welcome from The Netherlands, enjoy your time here. :)

Cracking first post and very well put together, I have a feeling you will fit in just fine around these parts! Welcome buddy. :thumbsup2:

welcome from one newbie to another

Yes, I agree- well done mate. Seikos are very popular here as you'll see. They have their own Section under Genuine Watches.


That's a nice looking SMP, congrats on the first rep. I'm sure there will be more to come. If you want to keep some of your money, stay away from Panerais.


There's many models and they're very popular reps.

hello and welcome to rwg


Again, thanks for the positive feedback everyone :)


NFleischer - I love my current Seiko, it's an incredibly comfortable watch to wear. I often forget it's there, even though it's quite heavy.

They're not really a luxury brand of course but they make solid watches at an affordable price, don't think you could ever go wrong with one.

The previos one I had was a solid watch too, apart from the bracelet issue of course. But then again I think that was mostly my fault, as I always wore it too loosely, leading to the watch dropping to the bottom of my wrist and putting too much stress on the bracelet when using my hand, if you know what I mean (local watchsmith told me that could have been the reason it kept breaking).


Haven't really been bitten by the Panerai-bug yet, although I'm sure they might grow on me. Didn't really like the Omega PO before either - now I can't wait to get one (not sure which version yet though)

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Welcome Welcome :)


have to say your taste is excellent, and you can't go wrong with an Omega :)


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Welcome Welcome :)


have to say your taste is excellent, and you can't go wrong with an Omega :)


Thanks alot, I do have a certain taste. Judging by your banner (or whatever it's called) and your profile pic, yours can't be too bad either ;)

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